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About Seychelles

Seychelles is a fantastic tourist spot and with high infrastructure and its natural islands are the best attraction. Although a journey to this place in Africa is costly, the quality of travelling is exceptionally high. If you are thinking about your safety in here, then you must know that the crime rate here is very low, and equal contribution to the economy is present everywhere. If you are planning for a honeymoon or you are simply a diving enthusiast, you must visit this place. This is also the place for sailors, gamblers and various sports. Seychelles is located at the four degrees south of the equator and situated on the 4000,000 square kilometers of the Indian ocean. This place is filled with natural beauty, man-made attractions and ancient wonders as well.

The best beauty of it is concentrated around the French and British colonialism. This place is also considered as paradise and there are so many good reasons. There is no major natural hazards, no serious disease, no malaria and the island itself situated outside the hurricane zone. If you are planning a trip in here you will find that tourism is well-protected and tourists rarely face any trouble which regards crime at least. The pirates who used to make this place their layer they no longer exist and when the visitors arrive here they don’t have to do much digging because the beauty is everywhere.

1. Mahé Island

Aerial view on the coastline of the Seychelles Islands and luxury Eden Island from Victoria viewpoint in Mahé

The largest island of the archipelago and one of the most popular places to visit in Seychelles, Mahé boasts of verdant forests, the highest mountain ranges of Seychelles, and over 65 beaches with a vast diversity of flora and fauna. The island is also famous for the Beau Vallon beach and the numerous tourist attractions of Victoria city – one of the tiniest capital cities of the world.

Get to experience the best pink sands in here and the beautiful granite boulders where the water laps on and have the best of your vacation. Spend some alone time in here or with your partner as you experience the azure water touching the horizon. Mahe island will never let you get enough of this place ever.

Location: Seychelles
Best For: Bird-watching, sightseeing, photography, sunbathing, snorkelling

2. Praslin Island

A shot from the Anse Georgette beach on Praslin island of a yacht in the blue waters

Praslin, or the Isle de Palme, is most popular for the Vallée de Mai UNESCO World Heritage Site and the coco de mer that grows here in abundance. Home to Anse Lazio and Anse Georgette that are coveted as two of the most beautiful beaches of the world, the island is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Seychelles.

This island is one of the most noteworthy islands on earth and it’s on the Indian ocean. It will take only 50 minutes to arrive at this beautiful place, and you can book a hotel here as well, which is near the beach. You can soak up in the sun and do not forget to carry a binocular to experience the beautiful black parrots. These are very rare species of parrots and they are found in this place and in the Praslin national park as well, where you will get 200 of them. Also, try not to miss the Vallée de Mai for the biggest coral riffs in here. If you are here in Praslin island, then do visit Coco de mer as well, and see the world’s biggest coconuts.

Location: Seychelles
Best For: Sunbathing, wildlife, photography

3. La Digue Island

Granite rocks at beautiful beach on tropical island La Digue in Seychelles

The boutique island is known for the granite boulders that adorn the stunning beaches, such as Anse Source D’Argent. The island offers authentic island-style accommodations and traditional modes of transport, such as ox-carts and bicycles.

Location: Seychelles
Best For: Wildlife, sightseeing, trekking, photography

4. Cousine Island

Cousine Island

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The island is known to be the nesting ground for several endangered & exotic species of birds & animals. These include, inter alia, Seychelles brush warbler, hawksbill turtle, Seychelles magpie robin, Seychelles turtledove, and wedge-tailed shearwater. This is an untouched granite island and this place is also especially ecologically private one in this place. If you are seeking some high level of privacy here you will be provided with the same.

Location: Seychelles
Best For: Photography, sunbathing, wildlife

5. Aride Island


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The island is among the best places to visit in Seychelles for nature lovers. The Aride Island Nature Reserve Morne is the home to several endemic flowers and the breeding ground of 18 species of seabirds. In addition to these seabirds and flowers, the island has the highest density of lizards in the world. This island is the habitat of so many seabirds on the Indian ocean. There are so many breeding birds in here, and so many species of native birds who breed in Aride. The island has been conserved by the island conservation society and among so many islands in Seychelles, this is one of the best ones.

Location: Seychelles
Best For: Photography, wildlife

Planning your holiday but confused about where to go? These travel stories help you find your best trip ever!

6. Bird Island

Bird Island

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Bird Island, formerly known as the Îles aux Vaches, is home to dugongs (sea cows) and over a million migratory birds that are found here during May – November. Among the most popular places to visit in Seychelles for bird watching, the island boasts of a large number of fairy terns, sooty terns, noddy terns, saunders’s terns, cardinals, ground doves, crested terns, plovers, and Giant land tortoises on this island.

Location: Seychelles
Best For: Wildlife, photography

7. Moyenne Island

A giant tortoise relaxing at Moyenne island

The island is most popular for the Giant Tortoises that roam here freely, the old ruins, and the pirate graves. Located towards the north coast of Mahe island, this island was abandoned until a Yorkshire editor purchased it in late 1960s and was the only person to inhabit the island until his death in 2012. As of now, this place remains a nature reserve and is visited by many tourists from all across the world as part of some organized trips.

This island is filled with 16,000 plants and trees like mahogany, mango, palm and several others. You will get to see the tortoise in here, and if you want, on the permission you can feed them too. There is a church of saints on the island and you can buy small things from here like old doll’s head and other old artefacts. There are some paranormal stories about this island as well, and you can hear about them from your guides or in the guidebook as well.

Location: Ste Anne Marine National Park, Mahe Island, Seychelles
Best For: Wildlife, photography, sightseeing

8. Silhouette Island

Silhouette Island

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The mountainous island is known for its rich biodiversity, 731 meters high Mount Dauban, and natural beauty. Tourists can see a wide variety of birds, eckos, chameleons, turtles, & skinks; explore the caves, or indulge in swimming and snorkelling. Known to be the third-largest granite island in the whole Seychelles region, this island attracts visitors for some quiet time in nature and offers absolute bliss!

This is the third-largest island in Seychelles and is located near the north island. You will get to see the Mont Dauban from here if not shrouded by clouds. You will be lucky enough to experience the carnivorous pitcher plants here. The island has a granite structure, but it has volcanic syenite, which stored here 63 million years ago following a massive eruption. The name of this island is in the name of the minister Étienne de Silhouette. The French had a Dauban family here and you will get to see the Dauban mausoleum inside the forest as well. The interior portion of this island is a national park and here you will find hundreds of birds, plants and reptiles. This island also has its breeding station for turtles. If you are willing to spend some days, you will not find any car here, but you have to travel on foot to the nearest hotel. If you love taking walks then there are so many amazing trails in this place like the trek to Grand Barbe a four-hour trek and you will always get the best climate while hiking.

Location: Seychelles
Best For: Wildlife, photography, trekking, hiking

9. Aldabra Island

Aldabra Island

The world’s largest raised coral atoll, Aldabra Island is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The island is known to have a volcanic origin. Tourists can spot numerous bird and animal species on the island. These include tiger sharks, manta rays, white-throated Aldabra rail (the only flightless bird in the Indian Ocean), dimorphic egrets, Aldabra sacred ibis, Malagasy Kestrel, and giant land tortoises.

Location: Aldabra, Seychelles
Best For: Wildlife, photography

10. Fregate Island

Fregate Island

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The thickly forested island is among the most amazing places to visit in Seychelles for watersports, such as scuba diving, snorkelling, and yachting. One of the unique traits about this place is that the beach on this island, also known as Anse Victorin has been voted by the Times as the World’s best beach. So, why not give this island a visit too on your next vacation to Seychelles? This island got its name from the abundance of certain birds on this site. These birds are known as frigate birds.

This island is situated inside the tropical vegetation and is a private one in Seychelles. On this island, you will get all the privacy and even WiFi! Thus, you can have a pleasant time in the jacuzzi and spend some cosy time with your partner.

Location: Seychelles
Best For: Sightseeing, water sports, photography

Best Tourist Attractions In Seychelles

Knowing beforehand where to go and what to expect in a gorgeous destination like Seychelles, will surely help you have a hassle-free vacation amid the welcoming folk here. Scroll down to know what’s more in store!

11. Anse Lazio

Beautiful sunset over the famous beach Anse Lazio in Praslin island

Ranked as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world as per multiple international surveys, Anse Lazio is known for its shady Takamaka trees, white sand, and glittering waters. The beach offers ample opportunities for swimming and snorkelling. The picturesque beach makes it one of the must-visit tourist attractions in Seychelles for a honeymoon trip. Enjoy the small lagoon and the turquoise water around the boulders and you will never know when your time has passed smoothly. This is the place that is so perfect for snorkelling.

Location: Praslin Island, Seychelles
Best For: Snorkeling, photography

12. Anse Georgette

A view of the Anse Georgette beach at Praslin that is one of the most beautiful places to see in Seychelles

Much like its popular counterpart, Anse Georgette is a beach of breath-taking beauty. But what makes Anse Georgette so special is that it is less busy and more intimate. This makes it one of the best places to visit in Seychelles for couples. This beach can be only accessed through the renowned Constance Lemuria resort, which is a private luxury resort. So, while you’re out and about in this land, make sure you make some space for this beach in your plan too!

This beach is so serene and the quieter one among the other beaches of Praslin. While the Anse Lazio is winning awards everywhere and this one holds the pristine and quiet beauty of a perfect beach. The speciality of this place is special because the beach is rock-free and coral free. You can see the same under the clear water in here as the water is turquoise colour and it’s almost an untouched part among the other islands. If you are looking for some privacy then this is the island you should book your hotel on.

Location: Praslin Island, Seychelles
Best For: Photography, sunbathing

13. Anse Source D’Argent

Couple relaxing on a tropical beach Anse Source d'Argent at La Digue in Seychelles

Among the most beautiful places to see in Seychelles, Anse Source D’Argent is a large and wide beach. The picturesque beach is split into various sections by the large boulders that provide quiet and isolated spots for those looking for some quiet time with their partners. Not only do the enchanting enormous rocks at this beach provide a magnificent view, they also add to the scenic cham of the place!

Enjoy the golden sands and the beautiful rock formation and the picturesque beauty of this place, which will be enough to take your breath away. You will find shallow water here which is protected by a coral reef and the best place for snorkeling as well.

Location: La Digue Island, Seychelles
Best For: Sightseeing, photography

14. Beau Vallon Beach

Beau Vallon Beach on island Mahe in Seychelles

The Beau Vallon Beach is among the most popular tourist attractions in Seychelles. The beach offers watersports – such as jet skiing and water skiing – and picturesque views of Silhouette Island. Also, known to be one of the most commercial beaches in Seychelles, you can find a number of great hotels and amazing restaurants here to dine at for sure!

Enjoy the tasty pomegranate and the ice creams while strolling on the beach. Enjoy the calm weather and enjoy swimming. The beach is so quiet that you can almost hear your own breathing! Also, there are very few water sports thus, the place is noiseless. So finally, you will be able to enjoy a good walk on the soft sand and give your feet rest.

Location: Beau Vallon, Mahe Island, Seychelles
Best For: Sightseeing, photography

15. Anse Intendance

Couple relaxing on a tropical beach Anse Intendance at Mahé in Seychelles

Anse Intendance is a small crescent of sand frayed with palm trees. The beach is not the safest place to try swimming. But the beach is perfect for surfing, sunbathing, and photography. The powdry-white sand of this beach blends perfectly with the crystal clear waters of the ocean, making it a nice spot for reviving and some quiet time for contemplation! So, why not?

Location: Chemin Grande Police Road, Mahe Island, Seychelles
Best For: Sightseeing, sunbathing

16. Vallée de Mai National Park

Pathway in the jungle of Valle de Mai on Praslin island

This UNESCO World Heritage Site on Praslin island is known to preserve a prehistoric forest that has been housing several endemic species of flora and fauna for ages. These include giant coco de mer fruit palm, vanilla orchids, splayed traveller’s palm, Seychelles bulbul, fruit pigeon, and black parrot – the national bird of Seychelles. Tourists can take a hike along the marked trail within the national park.

Location: Grande Anse, Praslin Island, Seychelles
Best For: Wildlife, photography, sightseeing

17. Sainte Anne Marine National Park

Sainte Anne Marine National Park

The Sainte Anne Marine National Park is a group of 6 closely located islands off the coast of Mahé. The glass-bottom excursion takes the travellers through the diverse marine life of the park’s coral reefs. Snorkelling and scuba diving are other highlights that make the national park one of the best places to visit in Seychelles.

Location: Sainte Anne Island, Seychelles
Best For: Wildlife, photography, boating tours

18. Morne Seychellois National Park

A distant shot of the Morne Seychellois National Park in Seychelles

The national park covers roughly 20% of the total area of Mahé. The park is named after its highest point – Morne Seychellois – that reaches a height of 905 meters above sea level. Travellers can take hiking tours through the park.

Location: Victoria, Mahe Island, Seychelles
Best For: Wildlife, photography

19. Seychelles Natural History Museum

Seychelles Natural History Museum

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One of the most important tourist attractions of Seychelles, the National History Museum in Victoria city exhibits flora, fauna, and geological history of the archipelago. The museum also imparts awareness about the major environmental problems so as to preserve the natural heritage.

Opening hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (Monday – Thursday); 8:30 am – 12 noon (Friday, Saturday); Sunday closed
Location: Independence Avenue near Albert Street, Victoria, Mahe Island, Seychelles
Best For: History, artwork

20. Domaine de Val des Prés

Domaine de Val des Prés

The Craft Village consists of five attractions that exhibit Creole architecture, art & craft, and gastronomy. These are:

  • Grann Kaz: A plantation house built around 1870
  • La Kaz Rosa: A typical 20th century working-class home
  • 12 craft workshops that display the local crafts
  • Maison de Coco: A house built out of coconut tree that houses gifts made from coconut products
  • Kaz Zanana: A Creole-style house that offers wonderful verandah, café, and exhibition of the well-known artist George Camille.

Opening hours: 9:30 am – 5 pm
Location: Ile de Mahé, Au Cap, Praslin Island 1383, Seychelles
Best For: Sightseeing, shopping

Rita’s Art Studio And Gallery

The art studio-cum-gallery is one of the popular places to visit in Seychelles for art lovers. The breath-taking landscapes and seascapes of Seychelles have been depicted here through marvellous paintings that are offered here for sale. So, while you’re out and about in this serene land, make sure you check out these for sure!

Also Visit: National Library and Art Gallery and SEPNA – Esplanade Craft Kiosks in Victoria city.

Location: Praslin, Seychelles, Seychelles
Best For: Artwork, paintings

22. Sir Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke Market

Sir Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke Market

The busy and colorful market in the Victoria city of Mahé island has been the best among the places to visit in Seychelles for shopping since the time it first opened in 1840. One can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and spices. A plethora of shops selling souvenirs, clothing, and local artworks further complement the charm of the bustling marketplace.

Location: Victoria, Seychelles
Best For: Shopping

23. The Little Ben Clock Tower

The Little Big Ben clock tower of Victoria in Seychelles

Modelled on the Little Ben Clock Tower of London, this popular tourist attraction of Seychelles has been a prominent attraction of the Mahé island tour. It was erected in 1903 by the Seychelles governor Sir Ernest Sweet-Escott in the honor of Queen Victoria who died in 1901. This is surely something you wouldn’t want to miss out on your next holiday in this scenic land!

Location: Independence Avenue, Victoria, Mahe Island, Seychelles
Best For: Photography

24. Cathedral Of Our Lady Of Immaculate Conception

The entrance to the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception in Seychelles

The imposing cathedral with intricate carvings & delicate tapestries was constructed on the site where Father Leon of Avanchers built the first church here in 1851. Devoted to the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, the cathedral also holds the tomb of the first Seychellois Bishop – Felix Paul – who passed away on 21st November 2001. The cathedral is another popular inclusion in the Seychelles sightseeing tours.

Location: Olivier Maradan St, Victoria, Seychelles
Best For: Worshipping, architecture

25. Mission Lodge Lookout

A beautiful view of the Mahe island from the Mission Lodge Lookout point

Among the most popular viewpoints in Seychelles, the Mission Lodge Lookout offers spectacular views of the glittering sea and verdant mountains. Hikes to this viewpoint are very popular. Tourists can spot colourful birds, vegetation, and breath-taking sights on this trail. So, are you ready to give this place a try while you decide on your trip to Seychelles with your folks?

Location: Sans Soucis road, Victoria, Mahe Island, Seychelles
Best For: Sightseeing, photography


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